Mary Lauren Bowne School of Excellence

Brief History of our Institution

The Mary Lauren Browne School of Excellence 

Madam Hester Williams visited the late Catholic Arch Bishop Michael Francis and informed him of her desire to name the new elementary school in honor of Sister Mary Lauren Browne, OSF, a Catholic Nun who had been her inspiration and mentor. With the consent of Arch Bishop Michael Francis, the Mary Lauren Browne School of Excellence was established in 2006 to provide primary education to children from grade one to grade six. 

Our Core Value

The underlying core value of the Mary Lauren Browne School of Excellence is training students to develop to their fullest potential, encouraging them to think critically and develop values that will enable them become productive citizens who are capable of taking care of themselves, making them to be good readers, eloquent speakers and making valuable contributions to the Liberian society and to the global village at large. 


The Mary Lauren Browne School of Excellence is noted for producing students with exceptional reading and Mathematic  skills, eloquent speakers with a rich reservoir of vocabulary and a firm elementary foundation. 

Admission Process

Interested families and individuals are invited to visit the Mary Lauren Browne School of Excellence and acquaint themselves with our programs.

If there are specific educational issues, parents should feel free to discuss them with the school’s administration. We have an open admission. 

Application is made by first acquiring and returning a application form, bringing a current medical certificate and the entrance registration fee. Acceptance is based on the availaility of space. Otherwise applicant(s) may have to be placed on a waiting listing. 

The Mary Lauren Browne School of Excellence accepts students from Grade 1 to Grade 6 beginning with age six. 

School hours run from 7:30AM to 2:00PM daily. Candidates who passed in the Entrance and Placement Exams will sit for interview with their parents and the administration. Grade one candidates applying for Grade one will only sat an interview with the administration of the school. 

Candidates who also passed in the interview are to present transcripts, letters of recommendation and report cards from their previous schools along with a passport size photo in the registrar’s office. 


The Mary Lauren Browne School of Excellencce is an English Language Center that provides Primary Education.

Our Academic Curriculum is in line with that of the Ministry of Education. The study of French and Computer is introduced from the First Grade up to Sixth Grade. The text books prescribed by the Ministry of Education are used along with the OYSS-Series Readers.

The Mary Lauren Browne School of Excellence places emphasis on discipline, hardwork, respect for self and others.

Each child is given special attention by people who are trained and have interest in the children. 

Regular training workshops and group sessions provide insights into the children’s behaviors to help them learn, grow and develop. 

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    January 2025
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