Our mission

Mission Statement

The underlying philosophy of the Levi C. Williams School System is to train students to develop to the fullest potential, to encourage them to think critically and develop values that will enable them to become productive citizens, who are capable of taking care of themselves, and making valuable contributions to the Liberian society and to the global village at large. We also strive to maintain a safe, secure, and caring environment in which mutual respect, mature behavior, and the life of the mind can thrive. We recognize and celebrate individual achievement.

Education Policy

The Mary Lauren Browne School of Excellence is an English Language Center that provides Day Care Education.

Our academic curriculum is in line with that of the Ministry of Education. The study of French is introduced from the First Grade. The text books prescribed by the Ministry of Education are used along with the OYSS – Series readers.

The Mary Lauren Browne School of Excellence places emphasis on discipline, respect for self and others and hard work.

Admission Policy

Interested families and individuals are invited to visit the Mary Lauren Browne School of Excellence and acquaint themselves with our programs.

If there are specific educational issues, parent should feel free to discuss them with the school’s administrator. We have an open admission.

Application is made by first sending in the application form, medical certificate and the registration fee. Acceptance is based on the availability of space. Otherwise applicant(s) may have to be placed on a waiting listing

Program Activities

The Mary Lauren Browne School of Excellence has a strong educational program that equips children for future learning. The records show that our children excel wherever they go.

We have a program in computer science literacy from the First Grade. In addition to a well – rounded educational program, the center produces children’s educational books and materials. We have a viable phonetics and reading program that stimulates children’s ability to think, read and comprehend.

We have a spacious theatre where children can practice drama and speech making. Our Library is equipped with modern literature where children are encouraged to read and build their vocabulary and imagination.


Each child is given special attention by people who are trained and have interest in the children.

Regular training workshops and group sessions provide insights into the children’s behaviors to help them learn, grow and develop.

Community Relations

Parents and Community Leaders are encouraged to visit the center as they can. Open house is held regularly.

Admission Procedure

The Mary Lauren Browne School of Excellence accepts students from 1st – 6th Grades.

Dynamic educational community